When your life feels unsustainable,
When you’ve lost your thread of meaning,
Mindfulness brings you back to sanity, groundedness, and purpose.

Hello, I’m Sunada.
I offer in-person Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) classes in the Boston area and Life Coaching via Zoom.
With 30 years of training and practice in meditation and personal development, I offer a blend of evidence-based methods and practical approaches from the Buddhist tradition.
Sunada Takagi
Certified MBSR Instructor
Professional Certified Coach (PCC)
Ordained Buddhist
Inspiring change from the inside out
Ways to Connect:
Spring 2025 In-Person MBSR Classes
8 Wednesday evenings
April 23 – June 11
6:30 – 9:00pm
The Arlington Center
369 Mass Ave
Arlington, MA
plus one all-day class on Sunday, June 1
10:00am – 4:00pm
The Arlington Center
369 Mass Ave
Arlington, MA
Mindfulness: What’s really the point?
You’ve heard all the buzz about mindfulness. Maybe even tried a bit of meditation, too. Sure it’s nice and relaxing, but then what? There’s surely more to it than that?
This one-hour workshop is not just a “how-to” (though we cover that briefly). Instead, we focus on the greater context and rewards of a mindfully engaged life — and why that’s so helpful.
When we take on a mindful perspective, we start a progressive journey of self-discovery that includes:
- Self care: Refilling our energy reserves so we feel more able to engage with life,
- Self development: Seeing ourselves more clearly — especially habits, views, and conditioning that may be holding us back — and practical ways to begin shifting them,
- Self transcendence: Finding a connection to something greater than ourselves that provides meaning and purpose to our day-to-day lives.
Watch this workshop to learn how YOU can start your mindful journey of discovery!
Thanks to Hélène T. Stelian and her Empowering Women in Midlife series.