What is mindful life coaching?
There are times when we feel we have to get serious.
Sometimes we see there’s more than chasing after status and outward achievements. And so we feel the urgency to tend to our INNER life. Or maybe we feel the need to grow into a bigger and better person to face significant life challenges. Or maybe because we see so much chaos, fear, and aggression in our world, we want to be strong enough to counter it with groundedness, care, and compassion.
I offer Mindful Life Coaching to people who see that being strong on the inside is essential to thriving in our turbulent times. And the key quality I bring to bear is mindfulness. Both as a skill for you to hone, and also an approach I take for deep and thoughtful dialogue.
Examples of issues clients bring forward:
- Feeling tired and scattered with so much on your plate, and getting nowhere with it.
- Dissatisfied with your work, and wanting to find something more meaningful.
- Transitioning to a new phase of life, such as returning to work after a hiatus, a newly-empty nest, death or divorce, relocating to a different part of the country (or world), or retirement.
- A chronic or long-term medical condition that limits you.
- Any sense that you’re the one standing in the way of a fuller life.
Related info
- More About Me and My Background
- What to look for in an effective mindful coach and coaching process
- Looking for more thorough training in mindfulness? I also offer Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction classes in the Boston area.
The Mindful Coaching Process
The steps
- Assessing your current situation. What’s challenging you? Where do you want to go? What do you want to see change? What strengths and supports are already there?
- Identifying where you’re hindering yourself. What patterns show up repeatedly that no longer serve you? Anxiety or other emotional hijacks? Self-criticism? Perfectionism or “glass half full” mentality? Worry about what others think?
- Establishing long and short-term strategies. What path do you want to take? How to address the short-term practical issues while aiming toward the long-term vision? How to transition your finances, job, relationships, etc., while minimizing risk? What emotional and psychological skill-building is needed?
- Building mindfulness skills. Support for establishing mindfulness as a way of life. Either as a formal meditation practice, or simple daily habits that provide a foundation of groundedness and self-awareness.
- Managing ongoing focus and energy. Keeping you on track and accountable while being flexible, kind, and gentle on yourself.
- The purpose is not necessarily to achieve your goals (which may change), but to transform yourself in a way that the goals begin to take care of themselves.
What I offer you
My sessions consist of weekly conversations over Zoom. You drive the agenda, and together we shape how to work it.
I believe that everyone has a place within them that is grounded, strong, and resourceful. It’s accessible to anyone willing to be open to it. It doesn’t take any special skill, just a willingness to slow down and listen.
This is what I see as my role as coach: I don’t presume to know the answers. But I AM here to guide you to your grounded, resourceful place so you can make wholesome decisions for yourself. Ones that are more aligned with what matters to you.
I offer deep, non-judgmental listening and mutual exploration. I bring an unbiased perspective that reflects back the subtler implications behind what you say. Together we uncover who you really are and what you have to offer the world.
I also provide gentle support to try new things. It’s a safe, low-risk place to step outside your comfort zone. There are no mistakes or failures, only opportunities to learn.
Overall, I offer my Buddhist perspective. Everything I do is informed by my personal practice of 30 years. It’s not a “religious” view, but a universal, pragmatic one backed by contemporary evidence-based research.
What I ask of you
- Be motivated to change. Become a student of your own life. Find motivation to learn what’s REALLY going on under the surface. Be willing to do some heavy lifting. Follow through on commitments. Be persistent.
- Come prepared. Come to each session with a topic you’d like to address. Bring questions for us to explore together.
- Keep an open mind. Be open to looking within, even to places that may feel difficult. Be willing to be wrong. Try on different perspectives. Be curious.
- Do your homework. 80% of your results depend on what you do BETWEEN sessions. Take the initiative to carry forward what you take away from each session into your daily life.
- Practice mindfulness daily. If you have no experience with it, we’ll work out a low-stress approach that works for you. If you already have a practice, we’ll strengthen what you already have.

Sound interesting?

Contact me at [email protected] to schedule a free, no pressure exploratory session. Please include a description of your current situation and what changes you’d like to see.
Gratitude from Coaching Clients
Jaime, Boston MA
“Working with Sunada has given me the focus and confidence I’ve been desiring so that I can step forward into the next chapter of my life. She creates a safe, welcoming environment that allows for deep inner change and realization to occur. It is obvious that she is living her purpose through the work that she does.”
David, Brookline MA
“Though I was generally in a good place when I started, I had some serious questions about the next phase of my life, among them my career, my passions, my relationships and my spiritual path. You always listened, engaged me in profound and insightful discussion. I often found myself saying, “what a good question!” I’m now living the simple but highly-textured, passionate life I’ve always envisioned. I can’t imagine that anyone considering life coaching could find better than what you offer. You’re really good at what you do.”