Two wonderful quotes

Here are a couple of wonderful quotes that came into my email inbox this morning. Meditating in Nature “If you find that meditation does not come easily in your city room, be inventive and go out into nature. Nature is always an unfailing fountain of...

This month’s favorites from the web

Here are a couple things I found in my travels around the web this month that I wanted to share with you. This one of an accidental photo just made me laugh. Take a look. Squirrel is surprise star of holiday photo And I find this one stunningly beautiful. It’s a...

These made my heart smile

These two videos came across my Twitter stream this morning, and I had to share them with you. This first one, Bodhisattva in metro, is a delightful piece reminding us how little it takes to make a positive effect on the world. The second one is a piano duet played by...