This precious human birth

My friend Cecily recently lost her brother to illness. He had just turned 50 the week before he died. She is devastated. Cecily is one of my best friends from college. We’ve known each other for 32 years. It’s that rare kind of friendship where even if months...

Regrets of the Dying

What an inspiring post. It’s the five things that dying people say they wish they’d done or not done, as they look back on their lives. Although I’ve heard these before, somehow hearing it in this way brought it home much more powerfully. Regrets of...

Birthing our butterflies

One of my clients – I’ll call her Kathryn – came to me because she was feeling overwhelmed. Her relationship of five years is fraying. Her career has stagnated. She has money concerns. She feels trapped in the small town she lives in. And she has a little two-year-old...

Have you given up your dreams?

Wow. This is such a powerful piece of writing. Paul Coelho asks, have you given up the Good Fight for your dreams? Character of the week: Petrus The first symptom of the process of our killing our dreams is the lack of time. The busiest people I have known in my life...

A couple good quotes

These two quotes came to me this morning about ways that we get stuck in bad habits. I found them both great reminders! “Notice if you are complaining in either speech or thought, about a situation you find yourself in, what other people do or say, your...